I've confessed before that it’s hard for me to see others on a path that might seem more successful in worldly terms than mine. But even in the faith-based world, there are ladders to so-called "success," and we can't help but acknowledge they exist. Even Christians need attention!
Years ago, I met a well-known speaker, a "prophetic" person, and we had a polite acquaintance. This person even mentioned me in one of their messages, which I was quite flattered by.
As this person gained prominence and developed a successful podcast and YouTube channel, they began highlighting certain comedians they felt were pretty great. I was a bit offended that my name was never mentioned. It felt as though all ties had been cut with this person, and I never understood why, especially as the years went by.
But this person was "blowing up."
It looked really shiny.
Recently, it has come to light that this individual has been accused of major fraud and unethical dealings within their ministry, with evidence to support the claims.
It’s awful and sad.
My heart hurt. I felt sick. I never knew. But God did. He had already removed me from that path.
I also used to perform comedy at a large mega-church. I believe I was one of the first comedians they ever hired before they became widely known. I performed at many of their shows, even in stadiums. Then one day, it just stopped.
I didn’t think much of it at first, but I was a bit saddened that this particular pastor was always fond of two other comedians in the faith community, using them repeatedly. I even joked with him once about why he always chose them and didn’t call on me more. He joked back.
After that, I was never called again.
Last year, this pastor was convicted of serious criminal activities and was asked to step down. The scandal rocked the entire church community.
My heart hurt. I felt sick.
I never knew. But God did. I know God was draining the swamp, and it’s now clear He made sure I was nowhere near it.
Of course, I had no idea what was going on at the time, but God did.
God is always protecting us from what we can’t see. All we have to do is "stay in our lane" because that’s where the peace is.
In our lane of obedience to His plans, there is protection. We just have to listen. Sometimes, He changes our circumstances, and it feels random or even confusing. But we have to trust that He has a better view from Heaven of what’s going on in this crazy maze we call life.
Maybe you’ve experienced a relationship that didn’t work out and you don’t know why. Or maybe you didn’t get that job you thought you were perfect for. Or perhaps you were cut from a friend group and feel rejected. Know that God is orchestrating things in your favor, even though it may seem painful at times.
Think back to a time when something didn’t happen the way you thought it would, but in the end, it turned out to be for the best.
When you’re hurt and confused, pray this. It will help:
“I love you, I’m hurting, but I trust You, God. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
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