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Where are you?

There on times in my life, I just want to pull my hair out. Then, I realize that I am #Hotmess4Jesus, which isn't all that bad. Now, let me tell you about a hot mess! I am having difficulty getting all of my subscribers. Where are you? I know I have tons of fans. I think I have figured out the problem. When you subscribe, you must also accept. An email will be sent to you. Check your inbox for it. If you can't find it, check your junk mail and be sure to add my email address to receive emails. Once you click on the link, you will be taken back to my blog and you will need to click on the accept invitation and your done. Look at the bright side. I am doing a random drawing and giving away lots of things from T-Shirts, hats, DVDs and autographed copies of my books.

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