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Comedy is the Cure!

Women's Health or Mental health events.Lessons in laughter and stress relief from comedian, mom, better health advocate.


Power of a PitBull Mom

Empowerment to never let go and inspiration to believe for the impossible.Kerri shares her story of her daughter 's Ruby's journey  from being born with  serious " incurable conditions . In a world full of  negative Dr. reports Kerri fought for her child and won. Ruby's journey to wholeness is inspiring for any parents or families dealing with health or school challenges. You'll be moved by this story of a "pit bull mom" who stood up to the world who told it her  "it couldn't be done!"Perfect for  families  or care givers of "Special Needs " children or Medical Workers.


I want my Breasts Back! and other Things My Daughter Owes Me

A hilarious journey told from the "trenches" from a real life working mom. Laugh out loud and learn lessons to balance all that life throws at you. Can be tailored for mother daughter audiences .


Bootcamp for Military Moms/Families

Coming from a military family Kerri has insightful lessons to be learned on relationships and military challenges. Can be for co-ed or all female audience.


If All the World's a Stage I Want Better Love Scenes

A hilarious look at dating and relationships with lessons from her two best selling books on dating" Guys LIke Girls Named Jennie" and "How to Ruin Your Dating Life" Laugh and learn how to avoid relationship pitfalls and be a rock star in the  dating world.


I Didn't Make Cheerleading (Women)

A inspiring talk that will inspire and empower audiences to get out of their own way and stop conforming to the false belief systems of society and the work place today.Kerri shares her personal struggles of never fitting in and how she thought Hollywood offered the fame that would fill the void .Even as adultswe can still be struggling to "sit at the cool table" Kerri encourages women to get real and be willing to admit to ourselves and others that we have struggles. Whether it's depression, anger, grief or loss we all have scars- and we can help each other heal.


Comedy For All (Comedy For a Cause) 

Kerri can tailor her hilarious stand up comedy for any audience appropriate for all ages and can be combined with message to fit your needs.


So You Want to Be In Showbusiness? (Hollywood Uncovered)

A working professional actor, writer, and comedian Kerri shares inside information for anyone thinking of a career in the arts. She's got two daughters who work professionally in the business of film and TV and shares inside information and what every parent needs to know to support their kids in the arts.

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